Vicky Alvear Shecter

Vicky Alvear Shecter, award-winning author of YA Fiction, Middle Grade Biographies & Mythology. Historical Fiction for Adults as Victoria Alvear.

Glenn Parris

Glenn Parris, Author – sci-fi, fantasy, medical mysteries. Books – The Renaissance of Aspirin, Dragon’s Heir(The Efilu Legacy). Expert – Afrofuturism

The Infertility Counselor

The physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual demands of infertility can be stressful. An infertility coach specializes in how to make your family building journey a positive and manageable experience.

Hollis Gillespie

Gillespie founded the Shocking Real Life Writing Academy in 2007. Since then it has grown into the largest independent writing school in the Southeast.

Peter Bonner

Peter Bonner tells stories, gives tours, and shares his love of history to young and old. Book Historical and Hysterical Tours by Peter Bonner.