After your website is up and running, there are behind the scene things that need to happen to improve Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
FYI – The term “SEO” is thrown around a lot. Click HERE to learn more about it and why it’s so important.
The most effective way to increase SEO is by employing “organic” techniques that use the power of search engine algorithms to your advantage. This makes it imperative to have experts in your corner who understand the technology of Google bots other things that crawl and index websites.
It’s a good thing you’ve got a TecAdvocate ready to help! Our SEO Essentials service does the technical legwork often overlooked empowering your site with a sharp search engine advantage.
Let’s get started!

An SEO Phrase is Essential
Most websites overlook creating an SEO Phrase. This is a big mistake. So what is it and why is it so important?
An SEO phrase is a short description of your website that you want to appear in search results. Think of it as an elevator speech for your site that leaves them yearning to know more.
Here are the properties if a good SEO Phrase:
- Based on Keyword Analysis
- Coherent Sentences and not just words crammed together
- Should be Enticing
- Call to Action – a response you want users to complete
- 160 characters or less
This is the maximum character count for search engine results
TecAdvocates will take the time to learn about you, your organization, and your website to generate an SEO phrase.
This powerful statement encapsulating your website is the centerpiece of of the SEO Essentials service.
The TecAdvocates SEO Essentials also includes the following.
- Connect Website To Google Analytics
- Install WordPress Google Analytics Plugin
- Set up 404 redirects to legitimate page and not an “error” page
- Install SEO Plugin
- Add website to Google Console
- Create and configured Sitemap for website that is search engine friendly
- Manually submit Sitemap to search engines
- Manually request search engine scan for both desktop and mobile
- Setup the robots.txt file to encourage “good” searches
- Populate SEO meta tags for front page
- Set feature image for front page with SEO Atl-Tag and proper size
- Blog post on about your website.
- Optimize and debug the main URL for posting on Facebook
- Posted promotional link to website on TecAdvocates social media accounts
And More!
The cost is only $399 (one-time fee). That’s it!
Got questions or want to learn more about SEO Essentials? Completing the following short form and we will be in-touch.