Earth Day reminds us to take care of the planet that takes care of us. Recycling is a great way to help Mother Earth. It’s an easy way to make a positive impact on the environment. But plastic and paper aren’t the only things that are recycle-worthy. The lure of newer, faster technology means people constantly change their electronic devices for upgraded models.

But what happens to all the older electronic gadgets?

They piled up in our closets, garages, or even worse, in our trash. This clutter in our homes and offices generates non-biodegradable waste, damaging the environment.

Earth Day reminds us to recycle old electronics. Make proper e-waste disposal a year-wide thing.

On Earth Day and year-round, recycling old electronics is easier than ever. You could even make some money.

E-waste is a term for electronic products that are no longer wanted. It includes everything from computers and mobile phones to gaming systems and printers. According to the EPA, nearly 50 million metric tons of e-waste were generated worldwide in 2018 alone! Only about 20% of that was recycled. The rest ended up in landfills or incinerated, which releases harmful toxins into the air.

COVID-19 may have exasperated the e-waste issue. The shift to remote work sparked a wave of new technology purchases, increasing the piles of old electronics.

How to Recycle Electronics!

Many office supply retailers are stepping up to the environmental plate by offering specialized recycling programs tailored for small electronics, playing a pivotal role in the effort to recycle electronics. Beyond the convenience of local stores, numerous e-waste recyclers extend an invaluable free pick-up service for your obsolete gadgets. These eco-friendly services graciously accommodate the collection of bulkier items, such as desktop computers and television sets, albeit with a nominal fee attached.

Furthermore, there’s an opportunity to turn your old tech into cash. Selling outdated devices declutters your space and contributes positively to the environment and your finances.

When the time arrives for you to upgrade to the latest technology, pause and remember the significance of recycling your old electronics. Undertaking this simple yet impactful action not only benefits our planet but also offers a financial advantage. Make a wise decision for a greener tomorrow and a healthier wallet today!

Here are some ways to keep it green when dealing with your old gadgets.

Earth Day reminds us to recycle old electronics. Make proper e-waste disposal a year-wide thing. You can even make some money.

Find A Certified E-Waste Recycler

Find an e-waste recycler officially certified by the Basel Action Network (BAN). BAN is a nonprofit organization of recycling companies dedicated to recycling e-waste safely and responsibly. Members make a pledge and display their Pledges of Responsible Recycling. Using a certified recycler means that you don’t have to worry about polluting another nation or risk losing your personal details to criminals.

Use the BAN “Find a Recycler” tool for e-waste collectors near you.


Donating Your Outdated Technology

Your trash could be a treasure for a nonprofit. Before tossing your old PC or electronics, consider donating them to a worthy cause.

There are plenty of nonprofits in your area that would gladly take your old devices off your hands. Check with local community centers and churches for opportunities to donate.

And there’s always Goodwill. It has over 3,200 thrift stores around the country and is a popular place to donate used goods, including electronics. Goodwill sells your donations in its stores and online auction site,

Your unwanted electronics can bring you a financial benefit in the form of a tax deduction. Computers with Causes takes old PCs, repairs them if needed, and donates them to a needed cause. Plus, they help you get a tax credit.


Sell It!

Your fitness tracker is starting to show its age. And that new tracker has the features you’ve always wanted. A great way to justify the new expense is to sell your old one.

There are plenty of places to sell electronics, including old fitness trackers, smartwatches, gaming consoles, digital cameras, laptops, and PCs. In exchange, they’ll give you cold hard cash, usually via a gift card or PayPal transfer.

CNET provides a good list of vendors to reduce your electronics junk pile. You can do it from home, as most buyers have a mail-in program. As a bonus, they usually pay for the shipping.

This Earth Day, and indeed every day, we have the opportunity to make a substantial difference by recycling our electronics. The act is simple, yet the effects are profound. Whether by dropping off your outdated gadgets at a local recycling center or participating in a manufacturer take-back program, each can contribute to a cycle of sustainability that benefits us all.

The importance of recycling electronics cannot be overstated. It is more than an environmental responsibility—it is a simple yet powerful way to protect and preserve our planet for future generations. By taking this small but significant step, we can help reduce pollution, conserve precious resources, and support the green economy. Remember, every piece of e-waste recycled is a step towards a cleaner, more sustainable world. Together, we can create a positive impact on our environment, economy, and society.

Do you have questions about recycling electronics? 

Or any other questions about your technology or website? 

Then contact TecAdvocates today.